#089 – Author Dr. Eben Alexander on Near-Death Experiences, the Wisdom of the Universe, Neurology, and the Collective Consciousness

This week, we are joined by Dr. Eben Alexander, Neurosurgeon and author of several books including Proof Of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife. He is a pioneering scientist and modern thought leader, making it on the Watkins’ Mind, Body, and Spirit list of 2020. He shares the story of his near-death experience and how it showed him the real purpose of living as a spiritual being having a metaphysical experience. Eben also talks about how his experience made him more engaged with the physical world and he is more inspired than ever to share his message and interact with life at a larger level. Eben also talks about how we really are one collective mind, the greatest thing we can do for our soul’s purpose, and how we can use money and our relationships for the greatest good.

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • The value of a near-death experience is not to learn what happens when we die, but to learn how we can live a rich and fulfilling life.
  • How science will come to include more spirituality and consciousness in the future.
  • Eben shares his routine for staying in a place of gratitude and the highest frequency — love and joy.

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[2:10] Eben speaks about the instrumental role his father played in his life as a mentor in the field of neuroscience and academia. His father had deep religious convictions and a passion for healing but also was steeped in data and science.

[7:00] Eben discusses how he thinks science will focus more on consciousness and spirituality rather than just the physical world.

[8:58] We have a false sense of separatism and our society encourages us to focus on competition rather than collaboration or cooperation. The ego is not who we are, and in many ways, we are sharing one mind.

[13:16] We don’t just come here as an empty slate, and there is more to our being that has to do with karmic setups and past lives, and Eben thinks science will recognize that more in the future.

[14:42] If we think of our collective as a diamond, the diamond is the one mind we are all sharing. The little facets of that diamond are each of us.

[17:40] The best thing for our soul is to be philanthropic-focused. Early soul behavior is when we are focused just on “us” and our experience.

[20:02] Eben speaks about his NDE (near-death experience) in 2008 where he was driven into a coma by a rare and mysterious meningitis. During his experience, he was led by a guardian angel and repeatedly got the message that he was taken care of. He spent seven days in a coma with an extremely low survival rate, and his recovery and memory return stumped doctors. He went through his own scans and tried to make sense of his experience, but it didn’t line up.

[33:30] We are spiritual beings, and the spiritual, mental, and physical planes of existence are linguistic terms that are great in some ways, but also apt to confuse the oneness of it all.

[34:12] Language has a shadow side and can trap us in a framework of getting attached to our left brain and thinking too much.

[41:34] We learn our greatest benefits from contributing to the highest good. Helping those in need is one of the best things we can do for our own souls.

[45:25] Eben talks about two regressions he went through with trained therapists and the intentional meditation practice he does for about an hour or two each day.

[48:02] Even with a meditation practice and many tools for grounding and peace, it is still common to feel reactive emotions like anger and frustration.

[49:43] Eben shares the inspiration behind sharing his story about his NDE. It doesn’t come from an egoic place, it comes from wanting others to benefit from his knowledge.

[54:09] Mind over matter in medicine has been honored by medical science, but it has yet not been officially taught. There is scientific data that people who believe they will heal and have faith in their body healing may do better than those with a pessimistic outlook.

[55:49] Those who have gone through a near-death experience can have a tremendous effect on others.

[59:27] We can use our power and energy to help the least, the last, and the lost. That is when we also start to gain significant value in our own soul growth.

[1:01:00] Eben sees money as green energy that we can use for the higher good.

[1:03:24] You can never talk about an individual’s soul growth because there is no such thing.

[1:07:47] Surrendering is allowing the free will of your soul to intervene.




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