#176 – A Conversation with Project | U Participants

This week, we replay a recent call we had with our 2022 Project|U participants. They asked a variety of questions about their current experiences on their spiritual journeys. We went ahead and omitted the questions themselves to respect participants’ privacy, but the answers are applicable enough to any life situation that they are worth hearing. We discuss how to show up and serve in each moment, how to identify when your ego and preferences are getting in the way, and how to be open and listen to the clues that life is trying to give you. You’re here in the moment, now enjoy it!

References from today’s episode:

Project | U

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[1:15] The next time you find yourself upset, ask yourself — what is wrong with this moment? 99% of the time, the answer is nothing, and then you realize that you’re bothering yourself about a moment that doesn’t even exist.

[3:38] Every day, there’s a level of suffering that everyone has, even if on really good days.

[5:11] Suffering starts inside, but we view it as coming from outside.

[5:23] Humans are very unique in the way that we have the ability to think abstractly about the issues we don’t like, and then beat ourselves up about it.

[6:26] The same energy of anger is also the same as the energy of the highest excitement that you can feel. It’s the exact same currency.

[7:25] When the moment is happening and you’re going through it and something doesn’t happen the way you want it to be, you’re so glued to it still that you don’t see that you just caused the discomfort.

[8:22] It’s never going to be the way you want it. Ever. So just accept that.

[9:27] We can decide how life is going to be, even if it’s not what we hoped for originally.

[10:41] Surrender is not passivity or lack of action. Surrender is surrendering to the part of you that is not okay with whatever is happening in life.

[11:43] The ego wants you to see the world the way it wants you to see it.

[12:24] People often have a problem with decisions because they fall into the trap of listening to the mind instead of following their true calling.

[25:54] So you’re here. Great. Now enjoy the experience of being here!

[27:19] How to spot when your ego is trying to pull you down into the lower self.

[30:24] Always aim your sights high and always pay attention to the process of what is unfolding. This is 95% of it.

[30:25] What is Project|U?




A leadership development podcast for people who want to achieve both business success and personal fulfillment. We go deep and talk about discovering authenticity, leading yourself first, and making a big impact every single day.



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